Failboo- I mean, Facebook.
So, after deciding to conform with the social norm and bending to the pressures generated by my peers, I've decided to join Facebook.
Admittedly, it is fun. As a place where I can keep track of friends and upload my creations, Facebook is simply a site which takes the best in Friendster (Networks). After all, isn't Friendster a place where we all keep track of what friends are doing?
Then, there are the applications. Werewolves, vampires, walls, like Facebook, they are all following the successful formulas of other sites (Outboards and IMing services).
Of course, I'm assuming they work. There are over 7000 applications, but everyone just has that few applications, and there are a few which looks interesting on paper, but simply is coded badly.
But what most of the applications do is to interact with your friends. You do so by doing digital stuff to them such as poking and hugging them. If you are annoyed, you can smack them or throw water on them etc.
Basically, a way of interacting that is strangely, not interacting.
But hey, this is the new digital age, without these applications, I would not be able to keep in touch with my friends who are overseas, as meaningless as useless as they are.
Even though they are useless, it is interesting to see the people who are on Facebook. I just found my manager's picture there, and I must admit I've never seen him in that manner.
So now, conform with the social norm: Join Failbook.
I mean, Facebook :D
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